A Man’s Guide to Wearing Rings
A ring is not a simple accessory. It is a message that shows your achievements, commitments, and beliefs. The reality is that rings carry a message. For thousands of years, men have worn them to indicate status, wealth, responsibility, and community. They can send the message that you’re not available, that you are part of fraternal brotherhood, or that you’re from a culture not afraid to display wealth on the hands. Let's begin with the rules every man needs to know about wearing rings. Understand Messages The rings for men send subliminal or direct messages. These rings send signs of prosperity and influence. The size of valuable stone and the lucidity of the gem in Zen jewelry indicate superior quality and a person of substantial wealth. People take notice of your rings. They may not speak anything, but they strike up subtle cues based on the rings you wear. Be cautious about what messages you are sending out through your choice of rings. Maintain Proportion to Your Hand...